State Representative Hope Damon – Working Hard for Granite Staters in 2023-2024
I have a 100% attendance record for both committee work and full house sessions. I consistently vote to protect reproductive freedoms, increase state education funding for quality public schools, support families with affordable housing and childcare options, protect the environment and balance reasonable firearms safety measures with second amendment rights. Here is some of my work this session:
Prime Sponsored Bills that Passed into Law
Stimulating housing development by increasing the number of dwelling units that can be created in existing buildings exempt from automatic fire sprinklers
Interstate compact for education of military children to provide continuity with IEPs and 504 plans
Requiring the eating disorders helpline number on high school student id cards
Creating a supplemental appropriation for state employees who retired on disability before 20 years of service
Simplifying nanobrewery licensing and reducing the fee for these small business owners
Co-Sponsored Bills that Passed into Law
Prohibiting discharge of volunteer fire fighters and EMTs from employment when they miss work on calls
Creating a committee to study and recommend on media literacy instruction
Restoring public school curriculum frameworks
Expediting driveway permitting deadlines to expedite housing development
Defining municipal land use regulations for manufactured housing and subdivisions to increase affordable housing for our needed workforce
Other Work in Process
Restructuring the Special Education Funding Formula and Increasing State Funding of Special Education
Expanding eligibility for Free & Reduced School meals to address food insecurity in school-age children (failed when the Speaker voted to make it a tie…)
Requiring Medicaid and commercial insurers to cover all glucose monitoring devices and supplies for all people with diabetes to have access
Background checks for staff in non-public schools that take public funds i.e. tax dollars
Legalizing cannabis and using the proceeds to support recovery programs and education funding
Increasing transparency of local municipal and school board meetings by live-streaming and archiving
Creating a study Committee for tax credits and incentives for low-income and workforce housing solutions.
Expanding Accessory Dwelling Units by Right with waivers for local considerations.